Thursday, August 18, 2011


So yesterday I recorded one of the videos that I will be including into my video.
Stan Walker's song "little black box".
There was literally 15 takes because I was struggling trying to find the right key to put the song in.
My friend who was recording suggested for me to do certain parts in the song and at the end when i'm putting the video together I can just combine the little clips together.

Right now i'm focusing on the questions that i will be asking the public next week in the city! =)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

interview questions

so this weekend or next weekend, I plan on going to the city with Tahlia and getting her to film me asking people about their religion. I have made a couple of interview questions in this double lesson and have also discovered a book that I could use in my project. Its about a girl that changed from a muslim religion into Christianity.
It's called "i dared to call him father".

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Term 3- the beginning of a lot of stress

so, yesterday basically Mrs Naroba gathered the class for one whole lesson explaining that bibliography was one of the most significant things to worry about in RP.
She gave out a sheet that had an example of another students work. Apparently SACE marked this person down just because of their bibliography and some of the titles that were accidentally put in the wrong area. There was also another dillema where this student was using informal language.

This lesson i focused on my bibliography and starting to practice the songs that are going to be played in my movie doc.
I plan to have a few testimonies in the film, with my voice speaking too and my singing of some of Stan Walker's songs. =)
taking into consideration:
-the dynamics
-the form

Thursday, June 9, 2011

i found another site that has Stan Walkers testimony =)
i think that this site has been a bit more helpful than the other websites I've checked.

it has the story of his childhood in detail... here's a little bit of it...

'My mum got her last beating from my dad and went to church,' he says. 'She'd had enough and she refused to go back. Dad went to church to get Mum back, and his life changed. He's gone from a "Jake the Mus" to the most amazing, gentle and loving man who anybody would want as a father. My mum's now a strong, confident woman.'...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11).


Thursday, June 2, 2011


howdy =)

lately, i've been just printing out different pages on testimonies and just pictures of Stan Walker to put into my evidence folder.

bibliography pages too >.<

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

update on the 2nd week!

Last week, I DID highlight all the important stuff from the stories and basically took out parts that I will using to present in my assignment. I've actually thought thoroughly my survey questions for whoever I will be interviewing and yeahhh i'm pretty psyched about meeting these new people. =)

I will be giving some sample of my questions soon! i just have to finalise them!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Look whose back.... back again =)

Hmmm, another term.
ahm,  So since term 1 I have not done much on my project.
We've been introduced to more work, obviously haha ^______^
More HARDER WORK, I mean.
Apparently this set of work is suppose to be more stressing than last terms work. 
Right now I will be doing up my time frame for term 1. Bascially it's just summarising all the information I gathered and what I had specifically done every week to help build up my knowledge on my topic.
After this I will be highlighting more parts from the stories I printed out and just going from there! =)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Johnny Lee Clary

On the 12th, this week... Tuesday...
A speaker by the name of Johnny Lee Clary came to our school to share his testimony.
At first I thought it was just another guy who had the same story of (something along the lines like:)
"I was raised in a Christian home, my parents died at a young age... I became a rebel and disagreed with everyone around me. I never made friends but then i had a dream about going to church so I did and I was saved".

Johnny Lee Clary started talking about his parents and how close he was to his father. He said that he adored and looked up to him. Johnny said that his dad was a bad influence on him and taught him to hate, taught him racism and bigotry His mother found another man and moved out to live with him, Johnny's dad killed himself that same day with a gun, infront of his son and left him alone in the world with no one.
The mother came back into the house with her drug selling boyfriend and kicked Johnny out and told him to live elsewhere.
Johnny bounced around a lot of places but couldn;t find anywhere to stay but in a really dangerous area in Western California. He went through a lot of bullying at school and couldn't handle the stress.
As Johnny was roaming around the street one day, a man from the Ku Klux Klan came upon him and started talking to him about joining their 'brotherhood'. Johnny joined without any clue on what the cult was recognised for.
He soon became the Ku Klux Klan leader and was absolutely out of control with the way he handled things in situations with other people.
There was a person that was very kind and loving towards Johnny as he was going through this mean streak; he was african American Pastor who was raised in a Christian home. Through his forgiving/nice nature, he gave Johnny the confidence to call him up when he was converted to the Christian side; to help him start preaching his testimony to other teenagers and adults who were in need of serious help.

By the end of the whole testimony I was amazed by how much Johnny went through, how many bad experiences that happened in his life to then later on find God's unfailing loving embrace and just hold onto it and change himself for the better.
He is a very good example that I WILL use in my assignment.

If you want more information... OR JUST WANT TO KNOW MORE =), go to these sites:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2nd to last week of school- printing stuff off for my folder

Yesterday, I had to edit and print off my FINAL FINAL FINAL copy of my proposal.
haha i have a lot of final copies. lol anyways.
I also looked up some pretty sick (not disgusting, like 'awesome' xD) pictures for my project.

Today, I did some more checking up on other people's testimonies on the internet.
last week I went to the city with my cousin, Klarysa and we...I wouldn't say 'bible bashed' but OFFERED people some sheets on 'changed lives'. I printed off copies of people testimonies and took off their name because of ethical consideration.
 We successfully handed out 13/20 copies to happy, bright and eager people.
hehehe. =)
We almost gave up after the 2nd copy was given out because when we went up to the people to give out the 3rd copy, they all shunned off and gave us the cold shoulder >.> disappointed. lol
yeah but then a nice lady came up, she saw what happened with one particular person and asked for a copy.

OK yeah, ummm i ALSO have just looked up some more pictures to put up on my blog. I looked through 'collages on bible  verses' pictures but unfortunately there wasn't as many photos as i wanted
but its alright hehehe/

later maters ;)

last week of school tomorrow! *quiet fist pump and 'yay'*

Thursday, March 24, 2011

IM SINGING IN THE... research project room =D

wee! =)
I did have to touch up on some of it, but yeahhhh main thing is i finished it!!!!!
so happy, anyways.
I'm still waiting on Stan Walker's reply for an interview... ^__________^

APART FROM THAT, i'm getting some more testimonies from the internet and soon (SOON) i'm PLANNING on going to the city and asking random people if they have a story about their Christian life.
*fingers crossed*
hope i dont get bashed >.>
*fist pump*

ok, i've just been handed back my proposal.
I just need to hyper down on the words... need to bring it down from 654 to 520
urghhhh =(

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

proposal... again =P

hehe anyways, i've only covered the 'my topic' and 'research processes' paragraphs.

ohhhhh yeahhh , so tonight i WILL be finishing that off... well hahaa i dont really have a choice, its due tomorrow   *silly laugh*
so much homework meennngggg!

HI-5 though!

*hi-5's computer screen*

PROPOSAL!!!! @______@

hahaha, a stressed post; sorry guys... i know... where was i last week?!?! xD hehehe
so just to quickly fill you in on last week, i was away for 2 days.... (research project days >.>)
NEVER GONNA BE AWAY AGAIN! seriously... I copped it.
Right now i am FULLY stressing out about this proposal thing that i only found about today...
which has to be handed in tomorrow... oh my gusssss.... 500 freaky deaky words. *stabs paper*
I have started it and already have made a 165 word proposal, well thats only in my intro.. well my 'my topic' part!!! woot!  =D ha.
335 words to go..
i've basically covered my motivations on wanting to write about this topic...OH  and also wrote a quick background on my religious life.

i will be collecting a few more stories from the internet today and then underlining the key parts and then shortening the story abit but keeping the main parts in!
( thats sounds horrible actually... "shortening the stories"... but seriously, if you saw these stories they're like novels on the internet. SO MUCH STUFF! but its worth reading =]  yeahhh, i cant keep it all!!! )

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Mrs Naroba is a life saver.
she helped me think of a really good title for my project.

stories of changed lives.
-Stan Walker
-someone else's testimony
-someone else's testimony
-someone elses testimony

chyeaaaaaa =) ...


hey hey hey, HALO guys (yeah, i thought of that lol)
*cough/serious face*
Today was all about looking up other people's testimonies.

JUST F.Y.I  i was suppose to type up all of my survey questions but silly silly silly silly SILLY me forgot them in the classroom. So i decided, instead of walking all those 200 steps back and wasting time there I would just start a new part of my project...
Like i have said in a few blogs before, I don't want to totally focus on Stan Walker. I want to be able to share other non-celebrity people's testimony to show that there are alot of different ways to meet God and build a relationship with him. I know through my experience, it HAS (no doubt) been a rocky journey but i do NOT regret any moment. Everything that happened to me happened for a reason. If God hadn't given me all my loving friends and family, i know it would have been more than difficult for me to be able to cope with all the grief and crap thats occured. 

OHH!!!! btw guys, look at these awesome photos i got today! =)
all you transformer fans... *puts hand up*
yeahhh, anyways...
I need to print off some more evidence.
catchya, Autobots fall out! hehehe

Monday, March 7, 2011

me and my babbles =D

dear log, hahhaha  *serious face* ok,
So on Sunday, instead of playing basketball with some of my youth friends i decided to stay in my brother's car and look over the thousands of pages i printed off a few days ago....
I couldn't believe the sort of stuff i was reading. The load of rubbish Stan had to go through as a child was just horrific. The amount of hurt he suffered everyday at school, at home and the way he took it... just makes him way more than just a  legend. He's a golden boy.                                          

The main stuff I highlighted was more revolving around his own speech on what he thinks of God and how glad he is to have found him as oppose to his actual childhood experiences.
I still don't think that my question is exactly what i want it to be (hmm?)...let me explain that again, heh... like i know i said that i wanted to focus on his childhood but i don't want my research project to be totally focused on him. I want to be able to show how others ( people who aren't celebrities) came to know God even though they've been through alot of garbage in their life.
hmm, yeah the question should be along the lines of people's Faith.
But i'm just unaware of how to put it into a question.    ???=\
I'll think about it again tonight!

later mater *thumbs up*

Thursday, March 3, 2011

new folder... trying to get more organised.

Today is pretty full on. It was filled with trying to be organised, putting names on the tabs and printing off thousands of information sheets to room 8
...wish we had a printer in our room >.> anyways. haha.
here is a picture of my beautiful topic, well not really. Just a picture of the awesome guy i'm focusing on.
I've been at the computer for a very long time and still haven't really got around to highlighting everything on the sheets of paper that are of importance to my project.
...Which is probably what I should be doing now.
But I've got a little more background info from Stan on the website:

this is just a little bit of what he said:
"I was brought up around a lot of drugs and alcohol. My dad was a very violent and angry man. He used to beat my mother. Home was not very secure at all. Mum did the best she could, but it was not very good. A lot of stuff was happening."

that sounds pretty interesting already. I'm excited to read more of it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

questions to ask.

today the class had a look at some girl's project. The information and detail that she put into her work was absolutely amazing and of course she received an A. looking at her work actually had my mind pondering on if i should change my question...
But then i wouldn't know what to focus on. Plus, i think i've got my topic half in the bag... =D
To sum up the rest of the lesson I've been basically TRYING look up some more info on Stan and all about his past experiences with his parents. I can't find much more on the subject so now I might try making up some questions to ask the people who have been on a rocky experience getting to know the LORD.
I know for sure I have been the long way, trying to get to know him. I had the advantage though; being raised in a Christian vicinity and family... but the good thing is that I wasn't forced to become a Christian, my mum was very free and okay with whatever i chose to be.
I've printed off some information that i found ages ago.. and now i'm going to highlight the key points from the text =)

Maybe i should add questions like :
1) Where did you live when you were younger?      maybe not lol.
2) Was there anyone in your life, when you were going through a hard time that kinda helped you through your journey of self discovery?
3) If you could change anything in your past, what would that be?
4) How do you cope with non christian friends? like, do you still talk about God with them even if you know or think they'd be bored?
... maybe those can be some questions to ask.
I'll think of more for homework. coolies.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

'unbroken' song meaning...

I have had a lot of help from my teacher, with my topic.
I'm still figuring out what to put down on my project, what sorts of things to write down to fully answer my question. I've also been thinking about, and writing in microsoftword the questions that i might ask to people who have experienced their own journey with God.
Anyways, i went on google today... surprise, surprise... ^_______^ and i've put the keywords ''unbroken' song meaning-stan walker'.
Good sites have come up and i've taken down more notes... my dotpoints and paragraphs are getting bigger which is making me happy =) haha
The sites i visited today:

They even have other people's thoughts on his song.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

thinking of a question that doesn't sound like I'm going to bible bash -____-'

I had a really good 10 minute talk with Mrs Naroba about my topic.
Theres good news and and bad news.
bad news? yes, good choice.
umm, i have to fully change the way i'm using my question... trying to make it sound less 'bible bashing' because i have to take into consideration not everyone has the same beliefs as me.
I can't really think of anything right now; hopefully it'll come to me by the end of this week *thumbs up*
i have a feeling that i'm going to faint if he does call. When Mrs Naroba told me that she could possibly set up a phone interview, my heart just STOPPED and i was literally pinched myself... hahaha.
this topic seems to be working pretty well for me.

little information found today D=

heh, i'm not really sure what to blog about right now... but uhhh. Well, i'll add that we had brief group conversation (with the class and Mrs Naroba) about 'being specific on your question, going to the main root of the topic' and i am definetely sure that i'm sticking to my research topic on Stan Walker.

ochayyyyyyy, i've gone to  to look up Stan's childhood years once again.
The information and links that were provided were very unhelpful. Most of them don't even talk about Stan Walker's life, they talk about CHILDWALKERS... >.> oh my goodness. never going to 'ask' again...
So i'll go back to using Google.

... I've found another link with alot of information, unfortunately most of it is about his dream girl... ^___^ hehe.
Even so, i've taken a few notes down in my book because a little information at a time can help me create a bigger amount to use on my assignment =)
woo! *fingers crossed*

Thursday, February 17, 2011

frustrated >.>

well.... i started looking up my topic on Stan Walker's childhood.
My keywords on google were MORE THAN CLEAR. silly computers...
The sites only seem to talk very little on his previous years and they focus more on his Australian idol stage performances and his life AFTER the T.V show. chungsoes.
I know that this topic is going to be very difficult to analyse and if i can't find ANYTHING by the end of this weekend then i'm gonna change the question completely. >.>

I've looked on:

and the other sites ONLY talk about his life after Australian idol.

I guess I could try looking up old magazines and articles that maybe some friends have kept. Maybe even look up the article on the internet...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

choosing my topic

`For this research assignment tasks, i have thought long and hard every night to find some sort of topic that i will find interest in. The main area that i wanted to focus on was music. I knew for sure that i wanted to research a celebrity musician that shared the same like in music genre.
Also someone who had a very fascintating background/childhood life that lead them into becoming a christian.
At my cousin's house, i went through a couple of websites that had christian singers. Some of them i was seriously unsure of and never heard of. It was pretty chunky =/ After a good 5 hour search i decided to give up and ask my teacher for some suggestions.
One of my friends actually helped me in the morning, before going to our R.P lesson. She was talking about a New Zealand guy who was stuck in a really crappy childhood, found God through rough experiences and after a few years joined AUSTRALIAN IDOL!
eyyyyyy STAN WALKER =D

What's my question?  (heh, good question xD)
..."What sort of childhood did Stan Walker experience before becoming a Christian?"
..well something along those lines anyway, i still have a lot of thinking to do. But ummm it's definitely something to do with his testimony in becoming a Christian =)