Wednesday, March 2, 2011

questions to ask.

today the class had a look at some girl's project. The information and detail that she put into her work was absolutely amazing and of course she received an A. looking at her work actually had my mind pondering on if i should change my question...
But then i wouldn't know what to focus on. Plus, i think i've got my topic half in the bag... =D
To sum up the rest of the lesson I've been basically TRYING look up some more info on Stan and all about his past experiences with his parents. I can't find much more on the subject so now I might try making up some questions to ask the people who have been on a rocky experience getting to know the LORD.
I know for sure I have been the long way, trying to get to know him. I had the advantage though; being raised in a Christian vicinity and family... but the good thing is that I wasn't forced to become a Christian, my mum was very free and okay with whatever i chose to be.
I've printed off some information that i found ages ago.. and now i'm going to highlight the key points from the text =)

Maybe i should add questions like :
1) Where did you live when you were younger?      maybe not lol.
2) Was there anyone in your life, when you were going through a hard time that kinda helped you through your journey of self discovery?
3) If you could change anything in your past, what would that be?
4) How do you cope with non christian friends? like, do you still talk about God with them even if you know or think they'd be bored?
... maybe those can be some questions to ask.
I'll think of more for homework. coolies.

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