Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Johnny Lee Clary

On the 12th, this week... Tuesday...
A speaker by the name of Johnny Lee Clary came to our school to share his testimony.
At first I thought it was just another guy who had the same story of (something along the lines like:)
"I was raised in a Christian home, my parents died at a young age... I became a rebel and disagreed with everyone around me. I never made friends but then i had a dream about going to church so I did and I was saved".

Johnny Lee Clary started talking about his parents and how close he was to his father. He said that he adored and looked up to him. Johnny said that his dad was a bad influence on him and taught him to hate, taught him racism and bigotry His mother found another man and moved out to live with him, Johnny's dad killed himself that same day with a gun, infront of his son and left him alone in the world with no one.
The mother came back into the house with her drug selling boyfriend and kicked Johnny out and told him to live elsewhere.
Johnny bounced around a lot of places but couldn;t find anywhere to stay but in a really dangerous area in Western California. He went through a lot of bullying at school and couldn't handle the stress.
As Johnny was roaming around the street one day, a man from the Ku Klux Klan came upon him and started talking to him about joining their 'brotherhood'. Johnny joined without any clue on what the cult was recognised for.
He soon became the Ku Klux Klan leader and was absolutely out of control with the way he handled things in situations with other people.
There was a person that was very kind and loving towards Johnny as he was going through this mean streak; he was african American Pastor who was raised in a Christian home. Through his forgiving/nice nature, he gave Johnny the confidence to call him up when he was converted to the Christian side; to help him start preaching his testimony to other teenagers and adults who were in need of serious help.

By the end of the whole testimony I was amazed by how much Johnny went through, how many bad experiences that happened in his life to then later on find God's unfailing loving embrace and just hold onto it and change himself for the better.
He is a very good example that I WILL use in my assignment.

If you want more information... OR JUST WANT TO KNOW MORE =), go to these sites:

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