Thursday, February 24, 2011

'unbroken' song meaning...

I have had a lot of help from my teacher, with my topic.
I'm still figuring out what to put down on my project, what sorts of things to write down to fully answer my question. I've also been thinking about, and writing in microsoftword the questions that i might ask to people who have experienced their own journey with God.
Anyways, i went on google today... surprise, surprise... ^_______^ and i've put the keywords ''unbroken' song meaning-stan walker'.
Good sites have come up and i've taken down more notes... my dotpoints and paragraphs are getting bigger which is making me happy =) haha
The sites i visited today:

They even have other people's thoughts on his song.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

thinking of a question that doesn't sound like I'm going to bible bash -____-'

I had a really good 10 minute talk with Mrs Naroba about my topic.
Theres good news and and bad news.
bad news? yes, good choice.
umm, i have to fully change the way i'm using my question... trying to make it sound less 'bible bashing' because i have to take into consideration not everyone has the same beliefs as me.
I can't really think of anything right now; hopefully it'll come to me by the end of this week *thumbs up*
i have a feeling that i'm going to faint if he does call. When Mrs Naroba told me that she could possibly set up a phone interview, my heart just STOPPED and i was literally pinched myself... hahaha.
this topic seems to be working pretty well for me.

little information found today D=

heh, i'm not really sure what to blog about right now... but uhhh. Well, i'll add that we had brief group conversation (with the class and Mrs Naroba) about 'being specific on your question, going to the main root of the topic' and i am definetely sure that i'm sticking to my research topic on Stan Walker.

ochayyyyyyy, i've gone to  to look up Stan's childhood years once again.
The information and links that were provided were very unhelpful. Most of them don't even talk about Stan Walker's life, they talk about CHILDWALKERS... >.> oh my goodness. never going to 'ask' again...
So i'll go back to using Google.

... I've found another link with alot of information, unfortunately most of it is about his dream girl... ^___^ hehe.
Even so, i've taken a few notes down in my book because a little information at a time can help me create a bigger amount to use on my assignment =)
woo! *fingers crossed*

Thursday, February 17, 2011

frustrated >.>

well.... i started looking up my topic on Stan Walker's childhood.
My keywords on google were MORE THAN CLEAR. silly computers...
The sites only seem to talk very little on his previous years and they focus more on his Australian idol stage performances and his life AFTER the T.V show. chungsoes.
I know that this topic is going to be very difficult to analyse and if i can't find ANYTHING by the end of this weekend then i'm gonna change the question completely. >.>

I've looked on:

and the other sites ONLY talk about his life after Australian idol.

I guess I could try looking up old magazines and articles that maybe some friends have kept. Maybe even look up the article on the internet...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

choosing my topic

`For this research assignment tasks, i have thought long and hard every night to find some sort of topic that i will find interest in. The main area that i wanted to focus on was music. I knew for sure that i wanted to research a celebrity musician that shared the same like in music genre.
Also someone who had a very fascintating background/childhood life that lead them into becoming a christian.
At my cousin's house, i went through a couple of websites that had christian singers. Some of them i was seriously unsure of and never heard of. It was pretty chunky =/ After a good 5 hour search i decided to give up and ask my teacher for some suggestions.
One of my friends actually helped me in the morning, before going to our R.P lesson. She was talking about a New Zealand guy who was stuck in a really crappy childhood, found God through rough experiences and after a few years joined AUSTRALIAN IDOL!
eyyyyyy STAN WALKER =D

What's my question?  (heh, good question xD)
..."What sort of childhood did Stan Walker experience before becoming a Christian?"
..well something along those lines anyway, i still have a lot of thinking to do. But ummm it's definitely something to do with his testimony in becoming a Christian =)